I do not get to do graduation sessions often, but when I do, I want them all to be just like this one! I got to travel to Berea, KY to take some graduation photos for this couple, Jaden and Morgan.
I do not get to do graduation sessions often, but when I do, I want them all to be just like this one! I got to travel to Berea, KY to take some graduation photos for this couple. Berea College is a private liberal arts college and is very rich in history. Apparently, it was the first college in the Southern United States to be coeducational and racially integrated. It also has some beautiful buildings, old and new!
I have known Jaden since he was a little boy, so it was very neat to see him all grown up and doing big things! I also got to meet his sweet girlfriend, Morgan. The two of them are brilliantly intelligent; both biology majors and continuing their graduate education after graduation! We walked around with them and their family and were able to photograph them at some special monuments throughout campus. One being Danforth Chapel located in Morgan’s favorite building on campus. We also went to the Margaret A. Caudill Natural Sciences and Health Building.. AKA their home at Berea! We were able to go into their biology lab where we got to sit in exact classroom and seats they were sitting in when they met! The cutest thing ever! It was such a great day to get to know these two and hear their story. Congratulations to the both of you! Enjoy the photos! 🙂
More about Berea College and the history: Berea College
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